
This is How we Make a Difference

Sustainability permeates our entire business, reflected in our active choices across the selection of suppliers, materials, product development, purchase, education and so on. We firmly believe that businesses, whether large or small, can contribute to a more sustainable society, which is why we have aligned our sustainability initiatives with the United Nation’s global objectives to eliminate extreme poverty, reduce indifferences, solving the climate crisis and promote peace and justice. 

stainability to us is consistently striving for manufacturing product marking with premium quality materials, content and technique. Whether materials are new or recycled, we aim to reduce our environmental impact. Our goal is to protect the environment and ensure a sustainable future for generations to come.”

Six Priority Areas.

Out of the 17 UN global goals, we’ve chosen to prioritise six. Six areas* where we think we may accomplish the biggest difference.

Good Health and Well-being
Ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being for all at all ages. Making sure people reach their full potential, as well as contributing to the development of society.

Gender Equality
Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls. Us being equal no matter the gender will benefit all the citizens of the world. Together we can eradicate prejudice and work for equal rights and respect for all.

Sustainable Energy for All
Energy consumption remains a major challenge for many organisations, particularly when suppliers' production facilities rely on non-renewable energy sources. By developing mutual action plans with suppliers and implementing energy-efficient technology, energy consumption can decrease, climate impact can be reduced, and renewable energy adoption can increase - aligning with goal 7.2.

Responsible Consumption and Production
Lessening our climate impact footprint ensures sustainable consumption and production patterns. We must learn how to use and produce in sustainable ways that will reverse the harm that we have inflicted on the planet.

Climate Action
Through education, innovation, and adherence to our climate commitments, we can make the necessary changes to protect the planet. These changes also provide huge opportunities to promote greater prosperity across the globe.

Life Below Water
We must protect our waters to responsibly manage and protect all marine life around the world. Healthy oceans and seas are essential to our existence.

*The definitions are mainly extracts from the descriptions of the UN global goals.

Our Sustainability Journey.

While no one can accomplish everything, each and everyone can do something, and the possibilities are endless. At times it can feel complex and and overwhelming. To organise our efforts and achieve our ambitions, we have divided the task info manageable components. We refer to it as our sustanability journey. The point is that we will not reach completion, we know that already, because when we have reached some of our goals, we will set new ones. 

Currently, we focus on aspects directly related to our business. These encompass transportation, chemical usage, waste handling and recycling, energy consumption, certifications and partnerships, and social responsibility. Below, you will find detailed information about each component, including their specific objectives and ambitions. 

Digital Solutions for Optimised Chemical Handling 

We have implemented two digital tools, iChemistry and ChemAct, helping us securing our handling of chemicals to compy with current legislation and regulations, whilst enabling us to monitor the development in this field. These tools enhance our ability to handle the chemical processes with exceptional quality and effectiveness. They also enable our partners to conduct relevant risk assessments during early phases, ensuring all necessary mesures are implemented. The tools have become an integrated part of our operational framework and contribute to a more streamlined smidigare and secure handling of chemicals. 

Certifications Creates Safety.

We follow regulations and standards applicable across various global markets. This ensures safety for both our organisation and our customers. At the same time, new guidelines and approaches are constantly presented. Chemicals not allowed and the instant need for replacement. This crucial task demands ongoing attention and we deliver accordingly. Here are some examples of the regulations and certifications we comply with, and there additional ones based on our geographical presence in different regions of the world.