27 Oct 17


The MISTRAL concept is developed to make everyone aware of the issues concerning plastic ending up in the sea.
The main task in the project was to come up with products that will minimise the material consumption, avoid mixing of material, reduce the use of new plastic and ease the recycling.

MICRO PLASTICS are fragments of polymeric particles, smaller than 5 millimeter in diameter and occur in all corners of the world´s ocean. The micro plastics stands for the biggest part of garbage in oceans .
The main issue is that the plastics degradation rate is very slow and we have increased our speed of throwing away things the latest decades. Scientific studies shows that micro plastic can cause big damage to the maritime environment and the organisms in it.
Source: Östersjöcentrum

- Scientific studies show that textile fibers are the biggest threat to the sea. According to a studie from 2011 shows that 85 procent of the garbage on our beaches consists of acrylic and nylon.
The source of the synthetic maicrofiber in the seas are common clothing made by akrylic, polyester and nylon. It is especially the cut edges in the seams of the polyester garment that release microplastic, says Sandra Roos. Ultra sonic cut and ultrasonic welding can be used instead of cutting and sawing to reduce the spreading of microplastic. Other solutions is to vaccum-clean and wash the garment when they are produced. This is to collecting the large amount of microfiber that  releases in the process.
Source:www.nyteknik.se, www.svt.se